These are some of the features I am looking for. Mindmup, Coggle, and Mindmesiter came the closest, but definitely not perfect. Mind Maps I have spent more time than I'd like to admit researching the different programs out there.I mean the RM2 is built on linux right? Get on that shit someone!! - Source: Reddit / 7 months ago In praise of 2.12, what will 2013 bring to us? I vote for stickers and shapes! I would love something similar to SimpleMind which is a mind mapping software.I could move branches around anywhere and change the colors to anything. What I likes about it was pretty much unlimited customization. They have a free version, but I paid like $20-25 for a pro version that allowed a lot more customization and syncing between devices. A mind mapping tool for adding a lot of branches? (med school) I haven't used it in about 4 years, but I tried many of them back then and the one I liked the most was SimpleMind.I didn't realize they also have Windows and macOS versions.

Desktop and native mobile apps are available. Trilium Notes: note taking application for large personal knowledge bases I use SimpleMind: It runs fully offline with Google Drive/Dropbox/Nextcloud support.