Both are members of the same family (Strigidae), and both may refer to multiple species depending on local usage. Looking at the Wikipedia articles on búho and lechuza, it appears that the two words don't correspond to taxonomic categories. Reviving this topic, five years later, since I didn't find a clear answer here. Īhora voy a llevar a pasear a mi perro collie >) I think you can probably google the scientific names and find out if there is actually a distinction made in other languages between búho - lechuza The other approach would be to look up the etymologies. Se denomina así porque en vuelo se parece al gavilán. Tiene el plumaje de color pardo oscuro con manchas blancas en el dorso la parte ventral es blanca con líneas oscuras la cara es también blanca bordeada de negro. Lechuza gavilana (Surnia ulula) Cl.: aves. Tiene costumbres sedentarias y prefiere los sitios habitados. Caza, generalmente, de noche, sobre todo roedores. Las patas presentan plumas hasta los dedos. Posee un bello plumaje de color dorado claro con pequeñas manchas en la parte superior, la cara y la parte inferior del cuerpo son blancas. El plumaje es de color leonado claro con la parte inferior listada. Lechuza campestre ( Asio flammeus) Cl.: aves. En la actualidad (1980) su supervivencia está en peligro. Caza al amanecer y al atardecer se alimenta de roedores y grandes presas (liebres, aves. La parte superior del cuerpo es de color leonado con motas oscuras, la inferior es más clara los ojos son de color naranja. D.: región árctica.īúho real ( Bubo bubo) Cl.: aves. Su plumaje es completamente blanco con algunas manchas oscuras. D.: Europa, Asia central, norte de Africa y Norteamerica.īúho nival ( Nyctea scandica) Cl.: aves. La parte superior del cuerpo es de color ocre y pardo grisáceo, la inferior es ocre listada de oscuro. Dicho de una persona: Que estudia o hace las cosas con mucha atención o detenimiento.īúho chico ( Asio otus) Cl.: aves. Dicho de una cosa: Que se hace según ella. Dicho de una persona: Que es de estrecha y recta conciencia. "Conscientious" also has its noun, "conscientiousness" (ya empiezan a trabarme la lenga), and it would be the 3rd entry in the DRAE under:Ĭoncienzudo, da. Īs to "conscience", "consciousness" and their adjetives, if we really have one for the former, it would have to be "conscientious"- and I suspect it may have once meant "having a well-developed sense of a conscience", although nowadays I think it´s limited to "taking great care and detail with" an activity. I guess I never had a need to know the difference between them.

thanks for pointing it out.īy the way, we do have barn owls in the US, and they live in trees as well as barns >) I've never heard of an eagle owl, and always supposed a "lechuza" was simply some smaller species of owl. The maximum total weight with plants and water must not exceed the following values: CUBE 14: 1.75 kg (3.85 lbs) or CUBE Triple: 5.25 kg (11.I´ve never seen/read/noticed the "s" there! Imagine.The LECHUZA magnetic bracket may only be used with the original LECHUZA metal bar. For a CUBE Color Triple or CUBE Glossy Triple, three magnetic holders are required. A magnetic bracket is compatible with a CUBE Color 14 or CUBE Glossy 14 planter.The magnetic brackets are only suitable for indoor use.

Any other use or modification of the product is not permitted.

Combine several metal bars in the kitchen, bathroom or living room to create small garden even in unusual places.ĭimensions of magnetic bracket: 4 x 14 cm per piece Hang up to three CUBE 14 planters or one CUBE Triple on one bar. Keeps its promises! Thanks to the practical magnetic brackets and metal bar (not included here), the popular CUBE 14 and the elongated CUBE Triple can easily be attached to walls.